Feature Films
Public Access Limited, (In Production), directed by Brandon Espana
Stir Crazy, 2020, directed by Brandon Espana
Fierce, 2020, directed by The Grinman Brothers
Fat Fiction, 2020, directed by Jennifer Isenhart
Philophobia: Or the Fear of Falling In Love, 2019, directed by Tyler Cole
Scary Stories: A Documentary, 2019, directed by Cody Meirick
Short Films
Neighbors, 2022, directed by Gabriel Savodivker
Chapter 4, 2021, directed by E.K. Wimmer
Ryder Die, 2020, directed by Bill Doty
Cold Coffee, (In Production), 2019, directed by Tim Kupsick
Leo & Grace, 2019, directed by Gabriel Savodivker
To Infinity, 2017, directed by Gabriel Savodivker
Money?, 2018, directed by Tyler Cole
The Uber of Killing, 2016, directed by Tyler Cole
Philophobia, 2015, directed by Tyler Cole
Abstracted Landscapes in the Kingdom of the Sky Queen, 2011, directed by E.K. Wimmer
Peel This Onion, 2007, directed by E.K. Wimmer
Neighborhood Samuri, 2002, directed by Jarrod Burt
A Tendentious Man Discovers Theology, 1998, directed by E.K. Wimmer